App Review: PicCollage EDU - Collage Maker
Good news if you're a school who uses Pic Collage (as you should). There's now an education version which gets rid of those annoying game...

iOS 11 Split Screen workflow
One of the coolest features of the iPad's iOS is the split screen function. Available on high end iPads, its a great way for students to...

Classroom advice for iPad teachers.
One of the key questions I’m asked when working with schools is “What are the best apps for the classroom?” This is a difficult one, as...

Toontastic 3D App Review
You might have heard of this one before! It's been around for a while, but this update has made a world of difference. The key is in the...

'Epic' reading app for Digital Literacy
There's always something awesome to discover when you go looking for apps. I'd not heard of this one, but someone was kind enough to...

App Review: Everything Machine
'Everything machine' from Tinybop allows you to transform your iPad into a variety of cool gadgets. From the simple drag and drop nature...

App of the month - ARTSET
September's awesome app is ArtSet. This little gem allows students to create amazing art work without the mess. There's two versions,...